Airtight Containers
Brooks & Perkins is a reliable manufacturer of high-quality reusable shipping and airtight containers of varying size and purpose. Airtight containers can be built-to-print, produced to customer furnished requirements/specifications, or custom designed and engineered by Brooks & Perkins.
From concept, to prototype, to full production manufacturing, Brooks & Perkins has you covered.

- Light weight
- Shock mitigation
- Humidity indicators
- Locking seals
- Anti-static foam
- Desiccant ports
- Self breathing
- Layered silicone asset protection
Since 2012, Brooks & Perkins has produced airtight containers of various size and function for the Department of Defense, commercial and private sectors.
Brooks & Perkins has a history of quoting and delivering on pre-existing container programs at considerably lower prices than incumbent contractors. Competitive pricing and in-house capabilities allow Brooks & Perkins to be a best valued source for quality complex metal containers.